Each patient I encounter has unique visual needs. A good student needs to be able to read comfortably for a period of time. A professional pilot requires excellent uncorrected vision to become hired by certain companies.. A stroke victim needs to see single to be able to drive again. A computer programmer needs to be able to sustain attention at his screen without suffering from headaches or blur. A skeet shooter needs good side vision so he can respond to a moving target quickly.

I have been able to offer each of these individuals a unique solution to their vision problems using appropriate lenses and/or vision therapy. Lenses prescribed can allow an individual to work at his peak performance. Vision therapy is teaching the eyes to do work more efficiently and teaching the brain to respond more appropriately to visual information it receives.

Dr. Rice's Qualifications
  Professional Experience      
    Director of the Vision Care Clinic since 1983.  
    O.D. from Pacific University, College of Optometry; B.S. from UC Davis.  
    Dr. Rice has taught courses locally and lectured internationally in Australia, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Denmark, and Taiwan.  
  Professional Affiliations        
    1. Fellow, College of Optometrists in Vision Development
2. Member, Optometric Extension Program
3. Chair, San Jose Optometric Vision Therapy Study Group
4. Member, American Optometric Association
5. Member, California Optometric Association
6. Member, Santa Clara County Optometric Association
  Community Involvement        
  • Kiwanis International- Past President for Cambrian Park Kiwanis and current member
  • Co-founder of Melba Toast Toastmasters
  • Member of Easy Street Partners, an investment club through NAIC
  • Ballroom dancer and dabbler in watercolors

Vision Care Clinic
2730 Union Ave. Suite A
San Jose, Ca. 95124

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